Friday, November 7, 2014

Chemo Cycle 2 Video Check-Ins

I got to thinking that all the videos I've been posting on Facebook and Instagram lately have been made to show what I look like when I'm feeling good - doing pushups and being silly and showing off and stuff. I thought that maybe people would want to see the other side of things, i.e., what I look and feel like in the days immediately following a chemotherapy session, so I made some little video check-ins. The check-ins run from October 27th to November 7th, and I had chemo infusions on the first and eighth day.

You can navigate to all the different clips by clicking the "PLAYLIST" button on the top left of the video box below, or if you hit the play button it will automatically go through all of them.


  1. I am so impressed that you two are able to keep these video blogs going despite the days you have been having. It is awesome to see you on the mend and the spark coming back into your eyes when you are feeling better. Keep up the fight and your humor! Respect!!
